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How would you use SNS (social networking sites) to promote and develop your small business?

How important is speaking a second and third language for your work and your career? Which second language is the most useful?

When you meet people from other cultures in work contexts, how important is it to be aware of differences in behaviour (i.e., body language, eye contact, gestures)?

When you meet new people in work contexts and networking, how do you approach them?


Which do you think are the most important resources (in general and for the Czech Republic)?

Who invests in farming projects in Africa? What are the consequences? Prepare your arguments for or against foreign investment in Africa.

  • governments, individuals, global agribusinesses, investment banks, hedge funds, etc.
  • land and labour very cheap -> investment costs are low
  • work for around 10k people
  • government putting pressure on local landowners to sell plot
  • mega farms use same amount of water like 100 000 Ethiopians every year

What rules and regulations have been set to limit pollution or the exploitation of natural resources?

  • Kyoto protocol: limit the emission of the six greenhouse gases. Countries are required to submit an annual report on greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Antarctic Treaty: to protect environment and resources. Allowed freedom of scientific investigation but banned any military activity.
  • Common Fisheries Policy: to manage fish stocks for the EU. Regulation of production, quality, grading, packaging and labelling of fish, setting minimum fish prices and financing buying up of unsold fish and setting rules for trading with non-EU countries. Fishermen are forced to record all catches.

What issues may arise from making an office space open plan?

  • Switching to an open-plan office mainly causes problems with noise and distractions.
  • Without walls, there's more noise from talking and other activities, which leads to more interruptions and makes it hard for people to focus. This can lower productivity and make it tough for employees to do their work well.


How would you define happiness concerning your future employment?

What are the basic problems with traditional surveys? What sort of things influence the way people respond to survey questions?

  • Traditional surveys have several problems that can make their results unreliable.
  • People might give answers they think are expected or preferred, and not everyone selected for the survey will respond, which can skew the results.
  • The way questions are written can confuse people or lead them to answer a certain way. - Long surveys can tire people out, leading to rushed or incomplete answers. Also, things like the presence of an interviewer, cultural differences, the respondent's mood, and worries about privacy can all affect how people answer.

What are the differences in features of life that make people happy in Costa Rica and in Britain or the Czech Republic?

  • CR: people’s attitude to their surroundings, lush and beautiful environment, 99% of electricity comes from renewable resources, carbon neutral, invest a lot in education and health, good gender equality
  • GB: 6h sleep a night, time with family and friends are key to happiness, do not want expensive holidays or fast cars, but simple things in life like getting out of work at a decent time and spending time outdoors

What should you do to deliver a successful presentation? How does a PechaKucha presentation differ from a conventional presentation?

  • 20x20 limitations
  • 20 slides, 20 second


How would you rate the customer service in your country? What is good or bad about the service and what could be improved?

Would you ever consider donating a fixed amount each month to charity? Which charity would you opt to support and why?

Is being assertive valued in our culture? Do you need to be assertive sometime in your environment (school, part-time job, sports, home)?

What do you want from the service provider- sympathy, advice, or a solution when you make a complaint? Have you ever been involved in a complaint while abroad? How did it go?


  • The future of tourism will likely involve more sustainable and tech-driven travel.
  • Popular destinations face issues like overcrowding, environmental damage, and strain on local resources.
  • Solutions could include promoting lesser-known spots to spread out visitors, implementing strict visitor limits, and investing in eco-friendly infrastructure.
  • Using technology for virtual tours and better visitor management can also help reduce the impact on these destinations.

Explain the idea of sustainable holiday-making. How can hotels try to be more eco-friendly?

  • Sustainable holidays mean traveling in a way that helps the environment and supports local communities.
  • Hotels can be more eco-friendly by saving energy and water, reducing waste, using local products, and building with eco-friendly materials.

What sort of holidays do you think you will take in the future? Make some predictions about the global population, travel, and climate change.


What exactly is an aptitude test and what skills are tested by it? Are there better ways to test an applicant's ability?

  • An aptitude test is a kind of test that measures how good someone is at certain tasks or learning certain skills.
  • It checks things like problem-solving, understanding words, and math skills.
  • While aptitude tests can be helpful, they might not show everything a person can do well.
  • Other ways to test someone's abilities include interviews, trying out sample tasks related to the job, and seeing how they act in different situations

What are the criteria for SMART in setting up objectives?

  • Specific: Be clear about what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable: Make sure you can track your progress.
  • Achievable: Set goals that are realistic.
  • Relevant: Ensure your objectives are important and align with your overall goals.
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline for when you want to achieve your objectives.

What would you advise a friend who is offered a job abroad? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

What are the questions to ask in negotiating a job offer?


Can you explain what a forgery is? Give me an example of a well-known forgery of paintings.

  • Forgery is when someone creates a fake version of something, like a painting, to trick others into thinking it's real.
  • For example, the "Girl with a Pearl Earring" painting by Johannes Vermeer has been forged many times, with people trying to sell fake versions as the real thing.

How can experts tell whether a painting is a forgery or not?

  • Experts can tell if a painting is a forgery by examining details like brushstrokes, materials used, and historical records.
  • They might also use scientific tests like carbon dating or X-rays to analyse the painting's age and composition.

What is the best way to keep your identity and personal details safe?

What is a feedback sandwich? Why is this technique used?

  • A feedback sandwich is a method of giving feedback that starts and ends with positive comments, with constructive criticism in the middle.
  • It's used to soften the impact of negative feedback and make it more palatable, encouraging the receiver to be more receptive to the criticism.


Do you have any examples of unique restaurant styles?

What are the main characteristics of different advertising types?

What does "multisensory approach" in marketing mean?

What would you recommend to your friend, who needs to get to a good restaurant?